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Summerfield Primary School

Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)

statutory assessment information

Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

Information for Parents and Carers


The Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) is statutory and takes place annually in June.  The purpose of the check is to ensure Year 4 children in England have a good level of times table knowledge and identify those children who may still need more help with their times tables as they move into Year 5.

Each child's results will be known to the school and the government in order to gain a national picture. The results will not be published in any public way.  

The Multiplication Tables Check is an online test with 25 questions and children must answer each question within a 6 seconds time limit. The whole test will take less than 5 minutes.  There is no pass mark or good/bad score.                 

(Adapted from Third Space Learning: Times Table Check - Parents Guide)


Please follow the link below for extra information on the check, and ways you can support your child with their times tables will be added in due course.

Information for Parents: Multiplication Tables Check 2024